N.Y.C Department of Transportation's Summer Streets is an event that lets The City of New York and the surrounding areas take over a swatch of Manhattan as way to get out and engage in the city in ways not normally possible. As such, The N.Y.C Department of Transportation reached out for the development of an event identity and awareness campaign that allowed for flexibility while maintaining its core brand identity. In taking cues from both the Manhattan grid and the skyline at large, we were able to develop unique mark that had the ability to stand on it's own as well as be adapted to other uses within the campaign and the art pack at large. As always working from a number of different cues, we were quite interested in the development of illuminated ad's that begin to take on affectual qualities once material and scale are used. At night, compositions based on scale, texture, color blocking, and luminousness combined to provide a visual gossamer for the pedestrian at street level - a moth to light. Not only did the campaign run across out media properties in ran across print, digital, television and radio in the New York City area.