This platform was designed and developed for HPE as an interface that would allow for the technology services division to understand content both in terms of learning and relevancy. Due to the demands of the changing technology and solutions landscape, the system was developed with a high degree of adaptability and scalability in mind. Ultimately the platform is a content learning experience for both the sales representatives and management within a gamified environment. Due to the fact that HPE develops and distributes content in a number of formats, the platform structures the content within tasks, missions and levels. A users activity and progress is charted in real time via points and badges, and is tracked through a leaderboard system for the company at large. The platform is also designed to incorporate a feedback loop with regard to the accuracy and relevancy of the content and the learning experience. As such, ratings and comments become an integral part of the system so that metric sets can be used to continually optimize the content that HPE is developing and utilizing.